Friday, May 11, 2018

Case Study: Compuware’s DevOps Transformation

I just read this case on ITRevolution.  Compuware is a mainframe company, and they moved to DevOps.

David Rizzo is the Vice President of Product Development at Compuware. He led the organization through their transformation to an agile and DevOps company, and at the DevOps Enterprise Summit he shared the story.  This video is 25 mins and worth watching, if you still are curious about DevOps and wonder how a mainframe company moved there.  Or if you prefer to read about what is said in the video, you can read the case study @ IT Revolution./


 Here are the main takeaways (You can read them all at ITRevolution) :

When we took a look at our company, these were the problems that we identified:

  • We had been doing Waterfall for 40 years. 
  • We had been a slow-moving development organization.   We were trying to compete in the digital economy, which requires you to be fast, (fast beats slow.) 
  • We needed to be innovative, and have lot of new ideas. Ideation is the key to success in the new economy. 
  • We needed to maintain quality.  Being a software vendor, quality is number one. So we had to make sure that we were able to measure, maintain, and ultimately improve our quality as we moved through a transformation to a full DevOps organization.

Rizzo ends with: 


We’ve been doing this for about three years now, but you might be asking yourself ‘How did we really achieve this? What was the process that we followed?’

What we’ve done is created our 10-Steps to Agile Development and DevOps on the Mainframe.