Monday, April 16, 2018

Sinclair's Propoganda

This is example of biased media coverage affecting local news. Trump said all news was fake news, except The Sinclair Group. Why?  They own close to 72% of the local news market and publish fake news that supports Trump.  John Oliver covered this last year, but here is brief update:


Have you heard of The Sinclair Group?  

Here is an even better video.  Published first on CNN money (and linked in this article),  Timothy Burke reported this article on Deadspin on 3/31/18.  John Oliver reported his video on 4/1.  How America's Largest Local TV Owner Turned Its News Anchors Into Soldiers In Trump's War On The Media.  The video is priceless, but the links embedded in the article provide more detail on how local news media are upset about the required scripts.

Comments welcome.

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