Monday, March 19, 2018

John Oliver's Attempt to Explain Cryptocurrency

Some of you have posted blogs about Bitcoin, or are interested in the topic.  I'll explore this further on this blog, but John Oliver does a pretty good job explaining it - with irreverent humor - and also Blockchain.  We have read about scams in this field, even though it is a legitimate way of doing business - Blockchain is based on bitcoin, but not quite the same.

Anyway, watch this and comment below.  Provide your own links and opinions, too.

P.S. See the comments below about Brock Peters, EOS guy, and "Why the Cofounder of This Hot Crytocurrency Startup Is Out After John Oliver Criticized Him on 'Last Week Tonight'"


  1. John Oliver has some good points that there are a lot of crypto-currencies and ICOs that are scams. I also agree if you're going to invest into this new market, you should only invest the amount of money you're willing to lose. However, I do believe crypto-currency will become a future popular exchange (like the Stock Market exchanges such as NYSE and NASDAQ). Just over spring break, Goldmen Sachs bought the crypto-currency exchange called Poloniex, which means larger investment banks are entering the crypto-market.

    There are some good crypto-currencies and ICOs in the market that you're going to have to do some extra research on them to hopefully invest in the right ones. I highly recommend to look at every crypto-currencies and ICOs whitepaper. The whitepaper should explain there game plan for the coin/token and how it works within the blockchain technology. When looking at the whitepaper, you can easily tell if it is a scam or not based on common sense. If you compare Bitconnect coin's whitepaper (Bitconnect is a scam) to these three crypto-currency examples in the paragraph below, you will see the difference between a scam coin/token and legit one.

    A good example of a well known crypto-currency token called Ripple (XRP), has a great written whitepaper about how it works within the blockchain technology. Universa Token (UTNP) and Cube Token (AUTO) are newer crypto-currencies that have great explanations on how their blockchain technology works on their whitepaper.

  2. Here is a link to the article about Brock Peters of EOS, $1.5 billion company with no software and no real purpose. (Thanks Ian.). Why the Cofounder of This Hot Crytocurrency Startup Is Out After John Oliver Criticized Him on 'Last Week Tonight'
